Couture Chat on ZOOM
Couture Chat on ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81886808476?pwd=d0xlR0RRNWVJcDNGZDVueFJaelI5dz09 Watch the recording of the Couture Chat HERE
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81886808476?pwd=d0xlR0RRNWVJcDNGZDVueFJaelI5dz09 Watch the recording of the Couture Chat HERE
A collaborative event by: ASID | NKBA | IIDA | IFDA | NEWH Admission is free for ASID, NKBA, IIDA, IFDA, NEWH and AIA Members and Guests. Please RSVP online […]